Getting RAK’ed with Schwinn: Winter 2014


This past Sunday was the last day of the National Random Acts of Kindness Week and to celebrate, Schwinn decided to do a few random acts of kindness ourselves.

Equipped with a backpack completely stuffed with water bottles and white Schwinn bicycle bells, which I cleverly hid in superhero party bags with a note saying “You’ve been RAK’ed” (Random Acts of Kindness…ed),” I set out to add a little Schwinn Schwag to Schwinn bicycles in my Madison neighborhood.

IMG_20140216_104122_348 (1)To be honest, at first I felt a bit weird about my enormous turtle shell of a backpack and my intensive staring at clusters of bikes to find a Schwinn that was in need of a bell or bottle. People passed me on the street, and while I am sure they nodded a greeting, I was much too occupied staring at the bicycles that were behind them to realize. However, soon with the recruitment of a friend, it became like a game where we could compete at being the first to find the hidden Schwinn bikes. I think I may have seen almost every type of Schwinn bike. Schwinn’s in every color, with brightly taped handle bars or beads in their tires: Jaguars, Travelers, Continental Tours, Sidewinders and more. We got excited with each find, recalling ones that looked the same or marveling in the uniqueness of others. It was great to see all the Schwinn lovers in Madison.

IMG_20140216_120601_846We also got to experience what I compare to the role of the Easter Bunny, hiding Schwinn styled ‘Acts of Kindness’ gifts for the bicycle owners to find right before their next ride. I imagined that finding something like that would be similar to finding forgotten money that you had left in your Spring coat. An unexpected happy surprise!

Soon we ran out of bottles and bells and on my walk back home I realized what a great mood I was in. I thought of the owners of the bikes discovering the bottles and bells that we had left and hoped that it may brighten their day and lead them to pass on that Act of Kindness to someone else. But I also realized that the gift of kindness is perpetual in more than one way, because the gifter, in this case myself, also receives the same feeling of positivity and joy to pass on to others.

IMG_20140218_083140They say that little things can change everything and after this Sunday I am beginning to think that they may be right. If we were all to show each other little Acts of Kindness each day I think we really might just change everything!

Pass it on,


Share a picture of your Schwinn bike with us on Instagram at Schwinn Bikes!

One thought on “Getting RAK’ed with Schwinn: Winter 2014

  1. I love my Schwinn. I feel apart when some one took it, one day. But from having reg. Iton here she came back. Now i just feel under the weather because she came back with bint up rims.


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